Real Estatesin Bulgaria

What is a atelier apartment classified as a studio?

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What is a atelier apartment classified as a studio?

It is no secret that many apartments in Bulgaria are sold with the status of "atelier". According to the initial definition, the atelier are non-residential premises "for creative activities". According to the standard, the studio type apartment must have a bathroom / toilet. There are many more requirements for living flats and apartments: in addition to the bathroom, there must be an independent entrance to the room / apartment, kitchen, closet / storage. For this reason, very often investors in the form of their contractors construction companies in Bulgaria build some of the apartments in buildings with the status of "atelier", to which there have always been less requirements than the building regulations and sell them as residential premises. Until now, buyers had many questions and ambiguities about the atelier as an apartment for living or vacation. First, and the main concern of buyers was the non-residential status of the atelier. Secondly, the owners of the atelier paid for industrial electricity, which is slightly more expensive than household electricity.

At the beginning of 2021, the Bulgarian Parliament passed a new law on the status of atelier. Now the atelier is equated to living quarters and has the same requirements as standard apartments and studios. “Not for living” status has been replaced; taxes and electricity costs are going to be the same as for residential buildings and premises.

In addition to changing the status of the atelier, parliament has tightened controls on construction supervision companies, as well as increased requirements for those who assess the compliance of investment projects.


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