Real Estatesin Bulgaria

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The personal data protection policy on web site


Web site ( hereinafter referred to as "the website") is controlled by the "BG Address" OOD, EIK 204981039 , with address of management: city.Burgas, Zh.k.Meden, Anton Ivanov str., No. 41, (hereinafter for short "BG-Address").

BG Address provides information about the volume and consumers ' consent to the processing of personal data provided on a voluntary basis by the user and through the acceptance of the General terms and conditions of this privacy Policy.

Personal data of users are processed BG Address in accordance with the principles envisaged in the Law on the protection of Danny, Decree No. 1 dated 30.01.2013. for the minimum level of technical and organizational measures and admissible type of protection of personal data, adopted by the Commission for data protection and General regulations on data protection (GDPR).



The company providing You services through this web site as an Administrator of personal data "Address BG" OOD, EIK 204981039 , with address of management: city.Burgas, Zh.k.Meden, Anton Ivanov str., No. 41, my.bgadres@gmail.comphone: +359896053142



Personal data-data that describes and connected with someone on personal qualities. This is the data with which the face can be determined. We collect certain personal information about you to provide our services to all our customers. We process personal data only to the statutory causes. We do Not sell or distribute otherwise your personal data. Processing of the following personal data about individuals, to achieve the following objectives:
The data for the customer: three names, ID NUMBER, date of birth, data of identity document, email address, telephone number, mailing address, permanent address, and in some cases the family status from the point of view of proof of ownership of real property.

Identification data such as names, identification NUMBER, data of identity document, permanent address and address for correspondence, and in some cases, the marital status, they are required to authenticate identity when entering into a contractual relationship with the provision of intermediary services in the field of real estate and preparation of necessary documents in this regard.

E-mail address, telephone number, mobile telephone number and the address we need to contact You at any time from execution of the requested services in connection with their successful and timely implementation to meet your requests and other queries.

Bank Danny , as information about the Bank where you have an account, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT code of the correspondent Bank and other data in connection with ongoing or forthcoming Bank operations we need given assistance to us in connection with the booking, sale or purchase of real estate.

With the consent from your side, depending on the resolution of your device, if you post on our website, automatically collect and process information for the actual location, including IP address, GPS, access points, Wi-Fi and mobile points. Personal information is collected at the present time, in which users register, require information, registration of events, to get a job and publish opinions through the forums or online surveys. When we received a request from You for any of these, we shape, will use contact details provided to us to contact You and to provide You with information or help that you need.

We do Not collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or Union membership and data concerning health, sexual life or to human genome.

When we received a request from a person using any of these forms, we will use the provided contact information to contact and help him to provide information or assistance that he does not need. Do not use Your contacts to promote products or services provided by third parties. You can revoke your consent to receive such information at any time by contacting us


The processing of personal data is not required in connection with the provision of BG Address intermediary services in real estate, like the meaning of the current legislation, he was obliged to store such data as well as on the basis of the legitimate interests of BG Address and its contractors for the implementation of economic activities as the processing of personal data is reduced to the minimum necessary for this purpose. We believe that each user has only their personal data, which are current at the time of their delivery. Any person declares that the data it and provides the same voluntarily and on their own. BG Address is not responsible for the collection and freight, data processing of third parties that were provided to you when you visit our website

In respect of persons with whom you are going to sign a contract for intermediation in transactions with real estate we are processing the following data: three titles, the document data, the identification data of the documents of ownership of real property, civil status, banking details and other data necessary to identify the person, for the purpose of preparing and issuing required documents in connection with the provision of mediation services.

We use Your personal data for marketing purposes only with explicit consent on Your part. The lack of consent or its withdrawal is not affected in any way on the ability to use our mediation services.

Each user has the right at any time to revoke your consent to the processing of personal data by sending an e-mail. This does not affect the lawfulness of processing, which we carried out on the basis of pre-given Your consent.


Provided us with personal data are processed by automated tools or manually, and are protected by taking appropriate security measures, taking into account the achievements of scientific-technical progress, the costs of implementation, as well as the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing. BG introduces Address appropriate administrative, technical, personnel and physical measures to safeguard the personal data in possession against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.


All information that we collect about You is stored in the protected information carriers, and we adopted a wide range of technical and organizational measures that are relevant and necessary for the protection of Your personal data, in particular from accidental or unlawful loss, access or disclosure; to identify reasonably foreseeable risks to network security and minimize security risks, including through risk assessment and regular testing. Your personal data available only to authorized persons who must have access to carry out their work in connection with the provision of our services who have completed the relevant training and were required to consider the information as confidential in compliance with the principles of legality, integrity, confidentiality and accuracy. Do not provide Your personal information to third parties without legal or contractual grounds, not to sell them and to distribute them.


We provide services, we our web site to be used only by persons over 18 years of age. When performing our work, for us there is a real possibility for the processing of personal data of children in mediation to conduct real estate transactions, which are property of or are acquired by children. When purchasing property from a child requires that the child could not be presented a deal from someone of legal representatives - parents, a guardian or Trustee. You need to check the relationship between the child and parents. There is the possibility of a parent acting on behalf of the child, to give power of attorney to a third person acquired property becomes property of the child. In addition, it is Necessary to prove the origin of the funds for which will be the acquired property and, if funds are in a savings Bank account in the name of the child, must obtain prior permission from the court to download the tools. If necessary, the processing of personal data of a child, we always want us to be provided with the consent of the child (if older than 14 years) and his legal representatives (parents or guardians).


If you try to access our services from a country outside the EU, You consent to the transfer of Your personal data in the EU and the handling, use, and access to Your personal information in accordance with current Policy.


The company provides access to your personal information in the following categories of recipients located within the European Union, namely: third party service providers to which they are assigned follow-up activity and which were duly appointed process personal data when required in accordance with the current legislation, suppliers, subsidiary or supportive services for by the address of the service and in this context the providers of IT-services, experts, consultants, lawyers associated persons as their administrators or processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purpose of compliance with applicable laws.


Each user of the web site has the right at any time:

• request for confirmation, if processing personal data related to him, and ask for a copy of your personal data and information relating to the collection, processing and storage of personal data.
• to request his personal data will be deleted when any of the following grounds: personal data no longer required for the purposes for which they were collected; when he objected to the processing, when the processing of iniquity; when the data is processed on the basis of his consent and to withdraw consent;

when personal data must be deleted to comply with obligations under EU law or the law of the state which applies to the administrator.
May not be permitted, removal of personal data for the following reasons: the implementation of the right to freedom of expression and right to information; to comply with legal obligations from BG or Address used for the implementation of tasks of public interest or in the exercise of official powers, which were granted BG Address; for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
• to request your personal data can be corrected if they are inaccurate or Supplement, if they are incomplete.
• ask to limit the processing of personal data, if applicable, and there are reasons for this, for example: to challenge the accuracy of personal data for a period which allows for by-Address, to verify the accuracy of personal data; processing is wrong, but you do not want your personal data be removed, but only their use may be limited; BG Address no more personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you request them to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; you objected to oppose the processing of pending verification are there legitimate reasons for by-Address take precedence over your interests.
• ask to obtain personal information which affect you and which you have provided to BG Address, in a structured, widely used and suitable for machine-reading form, and you have the right to transfer these data to another administrator when the processing was based on consent or contractual obligations, and processing is carried out in automatic mode
• to make an objection to processing of your personal data, if there is reason for this.

You can send your request by e-mail In the request, please include email address, name, address and telephone number and specify clearly what information you want to obtain, change, update, hide or delete.

It is good to know that even after deleting your account, or if you were asked to delete data, copies of certain information from your account may remain visible under certain circumstances, for example, if you share information via social media or other services, or when the preservation of such copies is necessary from the point of view of compliance with legal obligations or legal protection. Due to the nature of caching technology, your profile may not instantly become unavailable for the rest. You can also save on our servers for archived information associated with your account, for some time after you delete or request for deletion, if it is necessary from the point of view of compliance with applicable laws. You can withdraw your consent to receive electronic messages from us. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us for the purpose of advertising and marketing, in the future, you can choose to receive such emails by following the instructions to write off our posts. You can also send a request to To ensure that we have the opportunity to provide you full assistance, please, to provide us accurate information for You and defines his request. Perhaps, in exercising the right to require additional information with the purpose of identification, and in order to fulfill your requirement.

Please note that when the claim is manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because of its repeatability, we can:
1. to determine payments, taking into account the administrative costs of the provision of information or communication or acceptance of the requested measures, or
2. to refuse to take action on the request.

We will use reasonable efforts to honor a request within 30 days of its receipt. If necessary, this period may be extended for another two months as it considers the complexity and number of queries.


We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected data as described in this privacy Policy. At the end of the retention period, your personal information will either be destroyed, or anonimizers. Data collected in the initial contact with the person is stored for 5 years. Data provided in the advertisement via our website are stored for 5 years. At the conclusion of the Agency contract data are stored for 5 years after the termination of the contract. The location data are stored for 5 years.


Address BG reserves the right to change or update this privacy Policy, including but not limited to, when you make changes to the legislation and clarifications, instructions, decisions, opinions and orders related to the current legislation. When you change the current policy on the web site we will have written the message, and the updated data privacy Policy.

11. HEAD

To exercise your rights, as well as issues related to the protection of personal data, you may contact the Supervisory body - the Commission for personal data protection, namely:
Address: 1592 Sofia, bul. “Alexander The Proportion Of” 2
Tel.+359 2 915 3580 Fax +359 2 915 3525
Web site:


If you have any questions in connection with this privacy Policy, please contact us as indicated on the cover page the contact details of or phone +359 896 053 142 e-mail:


Please, can you see: the General terms and conditions of use of the BG website Address


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