Real Estatesin Bulgaria

Growth of the sales of apartments at the stage of construction in 2018

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To buy property in Bulgaria

According to observations of real estate agencies in Bulgaria to 2018 an increasing number of real estate transactions in the construction phase. More and more people realize the advantages of buying new construction, among which the lower of the Qing, flexible payment schemes, etc.
When buying new construction at an earlier stage buyers have the chance to choose the floor, the side of light, that is to buy a home with a layout that they like.
Most young families in Sofia, for example, there is enough savings to purchase housing on the one hand, and on the other – there is no property which they can provide as security for the mortgage loan. So for them buying at the zero point – this is a great opportunity to buy their own homes.
And in Plovdiv, for example, the results of the surveys indicate that the purchase of apartments under construction is about 1/3 of the total. The budget is often up to 50 000 Euro, while Bank financing is the main source of funds.
Banks offer the same terms on residential loans ratio of percent as the purchase of new housing, and when buying through lending at the zero point.
For financial institutions is not a problem, if no property of Act 16. More important to the consumer b,La a good credit history, a construction company must also have a good reputation, be reliable and be sure – the presence of Act 14.
When the property is financed with Act 14, the assimilation of loan parts. In most cases this happens on an individual scheme agreed between the developer and the Bank. Funding can be up to 80-85% of the value of the property was finalized.


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