Real Estatesin Bulgaria

Property in Bulgaria - full selection of offers

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Found: 14
Studio in Privelege Fort complex І №3061
First coastline
Elenite ID 3061
Studio, 40 sq.m., 4/4 fl. 46 000
Studio in the Messambria Fort complex І №3260
First coastline
Elenite ID 3260
Studio, 45 sq.m., 1/5 fl. 46 000
Inexpensive studio in Elenite | №2272
Elenite ID 2272
Studio, 25 sq.m., 1/5 fl. 21 999
Buy an inexpensive studio in Elenite | №2328
Elenite ID 2328
Studio, 26 sq.m., 2/5 fl. 16 700
Studio in the complex Villa Astoria I №2513
Elenite ID 2513
Studio, 28 sq.m., 3/5 fl. 24 000
Cheap studio in Elenite І №3387
Elenite ID 3387
Studio, 30 sq.m., 4/5 fl. 30 900
