Real Estatesin Bulgaria

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Found: 55
Premier Fort Beach Complex | No. 2208
Installment payment
Sveti Vlas ID 2208
Studio, 32 sq.m. 62 000
Cheap studio on the front sea line І №3492
First coastline
Aheloy ID 3492
Studio, 33 sq.m., 1/5 fl. 31 500
Apartments on first coastline at the complex in Sveti Yoan 2
Removed from sale
Studio in the Premier Fort Beach complex І №3575
First coastline
Sveti Vlas ID 3575
Studio, 35 sq.m., 2/5 fl. 57 500
Apartments in complex in Sveti Yoan - Sozopol
Removed from sale
Sozopol ID 711
Studio, 36 sq.m. 35 139
