Real Estatesin Bulgaria

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Found: 13
Apartment at the front sea line in Sunny Beach І №3162
Sea view
Sunny Beach ID 3162
2 rooms, 53 sq.m., 6/8 fl. 125 000
Properties from the builder on the first coast line
Apartment in a luxury complex І №3048
Removed from sale
Sveti Vlas ID 3048
2 rooms, 63 sq.m., 5/6 fl. 99 000
Apartment in the Valencia Gardens complex І №3452
Nessebar ID 3452
2 rooms, 70 sq.m., 1/6 fl. 150 000
Apartment in the Diamant Residence complex І №3375
Sunny Beach ID 3375
2 rooms, 72 sq.m., 3/5 fl. 96 000
Apartment in the Penelope Palace complex І №3316
Sea view
Pomorie ID 3316
2 rooms, 79 sq.m., 6/7 fl. 149 900
